About Reactor Guidelines (autolisp/activex Autocad For Mac

Posted : admin On 16.02.2020

Note: ActiveX support in AutoLISP is limited to Windows only. For example, if an entity is moved that your application has attached a reactor to, your application will receive notification that the entity has moved. If you design it to do so, your application can react to this notification with appropriate actions, such as moving other entities associated with the one moved, or perhaps updating a text tag that records revision information on the altered drawing feature. A reactor communicates with your application by calling a function you have associated with the reactor. Such a function is referred to as a callback function. There is nothing particularly unusual about reactor callback functions—they are like other AutoLISP functions. Before you can use reactor, you must load the AutoLISP extension functions that allow you to create them.

Issue the following function call to load reactor support: vl-load-com All applications that use reactors—including all callback functions—should begin by calling vl-load-com. Topics in this section. There are many types of AutoCAD reactors; each reactor type responds to one or more AutoCAD events. Before you can add reactor functionality to your application, you first need to write a callback function that performs the tasks needed at the time of the reactor event. You create a reactor that links a callback function to an event.

AutoLISP does provide limited support for reactor callback functions executing in a document that is not active. You can list of all the reactors in a drawing with vlr-reactors and determine all the possible callback conditions for a specific reactor type using vlr-reaction-name.

There are two types of reactors that you can create: transient or persistent. When using reactors, you need to make sure your reactors follow a set of guidelines to make sure they do not produce unpredictable results for your application if the internal implementation of reactors changes.

AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP:: Renaming Xref Using Code Jun 18, 2013 This lsp was passed on to me from a colleague but he doesn't know where he got it. It does a useful procedure of placing each xref, residing in the drawing, to a unique layer. The layer name is derived from the xref name.

I would like to edit this to take only part of the xref name. This system I work with requires all files to have the job number as a prefix eg LE1399901Contours.dwg, so the xref name would be LE1299901Contours by default. I want to remove the first 10 characters to be left with 'XXref-Contours' layer name using this code. (defun dxf (i a) (cdr (assoc i a))) (defun c:lxr ( / ss cnt xrs en ed bn xp xbn ) (setq ss (ssget 'x' '((0.

'INSERT')))) (setq cnt 0) code. Similar Messages:. ADVERTISEMENT Jul 31, 2009 Is it possible to run a lisp which can extract all the xref names, make a layer with that name and then change the xref on the layer?

About Reactor Guidelines (autolisp/activex Autocad For Mac 2017

I have got a similar routine from earlier posts but it doesn't work if any xrefs inserted in paper space (works fine on model space). Could change this routine allowing to change the layer of xref in paper space too. (defun dxf (i a) (cdr (assoc i a))) (defun c:lxr ( ) (setq ss (ssget 'x' '((0. 'INSERT')))) Code. Oct 2, 2012 I am using (trying to anyway) a:VLR-xrefSubcommandReloadItem reactor. My only question is how to get the xref/block name from the 'reactor callback data' Object ID. I am ultimately trying to pass it to (vla-get-xrefdatabase.), but I cannot figure out how to turn the second parameter from the reactor callback data into something I can use - for example the second parameter returned may be '65' or some other number.

Civil 3D 2011 Windows 7 x64 Oct 12, 2011 I have set up a master set of dwg. Files we use to create our construction documents. The files consist of a master file that xrefs base files. All of our files are named using the project # first. I have set up the master set using x's to replace the numbers. Here is how it works: XXXXXXXc.dwg (master file) relative path xref's the following files. XXXXXXXlw.dwg XXXXXXXvlw.dwg XXXXXXXeg XXXXXXXfg XXXXXXXtitleblock note: all of these files are saved in the same folder.

I am trying to find a way to keep the xref paths working when I copy the files to a project folder and rename the files using the actual job # insead of the x's as place holders. As it is now, when I change the drawing name the reference is lost and I have to manually change all of the xref paths in the xref manager. Is there a command, program, or lisp routine than can change the file names and update the paths automatically. Mar 20, 2013 I have a specific problem with renaming layouts. I found some similar lisps, but I just could not make them work.

In every layout I have following attributes. PROJECT: 306 PHASE: RD OBJECT: A0101 PART: EL DRAWING: 611 ZOOM: X REVISION: 01 I need to rename every each of layout using those attributes. Layout's name should look like that: '306rdA0101el611x01'. 'rd', 'el' and 'x' must be written using lowercase. Apr 3, 2013 I know to get the spacial filter on an xref to get the clip verticies, but not how to tell if its an invert xclip.

About reactor guidelines (autolisp/activex autocad for mac free

Even the arx guys seem to have difficulty with this. How to do it with lisp, com, or arx code? Sep 18, 2013 I need a lisp code to convert all Lines, Polylines, Arcs and Splines to Polylines with 0.4 width. I prepare this: (defun c:CH2pl ( / SS);changes all lines, plines, arcs and splines to POLYLINE with 0.4 width(if (setq SS (ssget 'X' '((0. 'LINE'))))(command '.pedit' 'm' SS ' 'Y' 'w' 0.4 '))(if (setq SS (ssget 'X' '((0. '.POLYLINE'))))(command '.pedit' 'm' SS ' 'w' 0.4 '))(if (setq SS (ssget 'X' '((0. 'ARC'))))(command '.pedit' 'm' SS ' 'Y' 'w' 0.4 '))(if (setq SS (ssget 'X' '((0.

'SPLINE'))))(command '.pedit' 'm' SS ' 'Y' 10 'w' 0.4 '))) But I want pure lisp code in a professional way! Aug 20, 2013 Modify the attached lisp I found in this forum to work using a different hatch pattern, scale and angle. The new hatch should be in default Autocad 'LINE' pattern and angle set to 90 degrees (vertical). If possible, I would like the angle and scale to be editable. Find attached MultiHatch-45 code posted by CADaStroumph in 2008.

Feb 19, 2012 LISP code to link to a scr.file.I would like to run ACADDOC.lsp with abobe code everytime I open a drawing.But I want to link the KISP file to script file of mine like C: Sep 22, 2011 Where I can find the DXFIN command code? I want to examine it to see how it does what it does. Jan 1, 2014 I have this code to draw grid lines within a rectangle:;Variable settings(defun varset (setq.varlst. '('cmdecho' 'osmode' 'expert' 'plinewid' 'dynmode').varusr. (mapcar 'getvar.varlst.)) (mapcar 'setvar.varlst. '(0 0 2 0 0)) (vl-load-com))(defun varreset (mapcar 'setvar.varlst.varusr.)) (defun.error. (msg) (if (not (member msg '('console break' 'Function cancelled' 'quit / exit abort' ' nil)) ) (princ (strcat ' Error: ' msg)) ) (and;(vl-bt) (varreset) ) (princ) ) (defun string-list (data);by lee-mac @theswamp (if (vl-string-search '@' code.

The above gets me the grid lines; but I have a block inserted at both ends of the grid line; how do I get the selection of those entities (selection set 'frame') after each array? Or I would need to map a point list and draw each grid individually how do I go about that? Attached is the sample of the output I'd like to achieve using LISP. Dec 4, 2012 The code removes prefixes bind ($ 0 $), renaming layers, blocks, dimension styles, but some objects do not change the name as linetypes, text styles and duplicate names.If I have an existing name, I want to change the name with a (2) at the end.Example. Layer: FloorLevel$0$Door90 If the layer 'Door90' is existing, is renamed to 'Door90 (2)' (defun c:delprefixe(/ ActDoc Name NewName)(vl-load-com)(defun RemoveBindPrefix (String / Pos LastPos)(if (setq Pos (vl-string-search '$' String))(progn(setq LastPos Pos)(while (setq Pos (vl-string-search '$' String (1+ Pos)))(setq LastPos Pos))(substr String (+ 2 LastPos)))String)); code. Jan 27, 2012 I am looking for some mleader customization.Basically looking for a mleader that will add an objects name(in my case an xref or block) in the text.

Attached is a picture of our current process. Nothing special.

Basically instead of typing in text we use the insert field. In the field dialog that opens we select 'object' under Field names, then under object the type button is pressed to select object(in my case and xref or block) then under property the 'Name' option is chosen.

This will insert the xref name in the multileader. This is not terribly hard but am curious if I can automate and save some steps. May 10, 2012 I can't seem to find the SYSVAR that controls insert to 0,0,0 instead of pick on screen. Quad Core 2.3GHz Intel, 64-Bit, Win 7 16GB Ram, 2GB Graphics Card 256GB SSD Aug 6, 2013 I have lisp code, which count total length, but I need that it count and multiply by constant which I choose manual (such as in example, total lines yellow length. y + total blue lines.

x =., example 50.2 + 60. 3=280), remember the another code, such as I have d200 with total l=1000 and d250 with total l=1500, i need to count total cost such as 1000.y+1500.x one think, diameters numbers is not only 1 or 2, it can be many different diameters. Dwg file here: URL. Lisp file here: URL. May 20, 2013 hiding the modellayout from code.My code is updating the registery properly.but it is not reflecting/hiding the model/layout tabs in application. Hide/trunoff from code.Model/layout is not required for my application.Is there any command to hide model/layout tab.

Void CMyApp::TurnoffModelViewLayoutTAB //TurnOff Model View Tab Code. May 16, 2012 I have the following code in a toolbar button that when I click on a setup within this tool it imports that setup into my current dwg. How to edit this code so that it will continue to import the setup of choice into the new drawing.but in addition.set the new one current & delete all previous setups that were in the drawing?

^C^Cfiledia;0;^Rpsetupin;'K:/BARONE TEMPLATE FILE-2012/BARONEPAGESETUPS.dwt';filedia;1 May 2, 2013 I'm trying to check for the existence of a drive using lisp, then if not found perform a task (represented in my below example by the alert) (if (vl-file-directory-p 'C: en') T)(alert 'exists')) I know it doesn't work because if I change the T to nil as demonstrated bellow I should invoke the opposite reaction from autocad but instead I get the exact same outcome which is an alert telling me the file exists? (if (vl-file-directory-p 'C: en') nil)(alert 'exists')) Jul 23, 2013 My code returns the error, but it still works. (vl-load-com) (setvar 'cmdecho' 0) (vlax-for ucs (vla-get-UserCoordinateSystems (vla-get-Activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) (setq UCSList (cons (vla-get-Name ucs) UCSList))) (setq FileName (vl-Filename-Base (getvar 'Dwgname'))) (setq NewUCSList (vl-remove-if '(lambda (x) (vl-string-search FileName x)) UCSList)) (setq Listlength (length NewUCSList)) code. Oct 1, 2012 How to edit this string so that it would change ONLY XREF layers in a dwg.

About Reactor Guidelines (autolisp/activex Autocad For Mac Download

To color 3 bylayer, and leave all of my additional layers in the current dwg. ^C^Cchprop;(ssget'x');;color;bylayer;;-layer;color;3 Jun 29, 2013 I'm new to the programming thing, and this one has me stumped. We have a problem with people accidently dragging xrefs. The simple solution would be to put all of the xrefs on a locked layer, but I was vetoed on this suggestion.

About Reactor Guidelines (autolisp/activex Autocad For Mac Free

I've been trying to figure out if I can write a lisp that will do one of the following: Give an alert if an xref is moved.Not allow an xref to be moved.Tell the user when they open a drawing that an xref is not at 0,0,0 insertion point. Nov 25, 2012 what i would like to do is rename (externally) and repath about 4-8 xrefs in a drawing set of about 100 drawings. You may ask why? It is because we are trying to establish a template set of drawings for a civil design office. And when we start a new project, copy over the drawings to the relevant project folder, change the project number, run the script across the drawings and go from there.