Ad Password Expiration Date Wrong For Mac

Posted : admin On 05.03.2020
  1. Find Ad User Password Expiration

One of the most frequent and urgent calls to the help desk is the locked account. The account lockout can occur due the different reasons. I demonstrate such situation in this, where the user changed password in the system and not updated his own mobile phone. Second most common reason for account lockout is the password expiration. In properly administrated systems all user’s password must expire after X amount of time. The best security practice is to change password on the regular intervals of 30 days.

Ad Password Expiration Date Wrong For MacDate

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If this is too short for you, you can change your password on the intervals from 45 to 60 days. I will show you a very simple trick from the command line that can show to you when your password will expire.

I used this command on different Windows versions, from Windows XP and Server 2003 up to Windows 10 and Server 2012 R2. The NET command The Windows has a lot of command line tools and the command NET is one of very old command line interfaces. Actually, the NET command has a lot of subcommands and it’s very powerful when we want to obtain network related information. We have the context NET USER where we can manipulate with user accounts either on the local machine or on the domain.

We can use this command even from the batch file to work with multiple accounts in one pass. Using it with the local accounts Open the command prompt (Start Run cmd.exe) and type: net user someusername The someusername should be replaced with either your username or the username of any other user who needs to check his or hers account. In our example, that will be the local account Administrator. Purpose of this blog is educational.

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