More Defined Roadmap For Mac

Posted : admin On 06.03.2020

Table of Contents. One Fusion 360 Yup, starting October 7, 2018, we introduced Fusion 360 as one product offering, and all of its functionality will be available to the entire community; we can’t wait to roll it out to you. Like the quote above says, we’ve got you covered end-to-end, from 3D printed prosthetics for the masses to generatively designed seat-belt brackets installed in future cars that will be keeping people safe around the world. Be sure to check out our if you haven’t done so already. Roadmap Update At the core of its foundation, Fusion 360 gives you all the tools needed to conceptualize your ideas and turn them into tested manufacturable products. We talked about some of the projects we’re working in the roadmap update we posted, and we’d like to follow up with you on what we’ve accomplished since then, as well as what we’re currently focusing on now. Here are the 3 major areas we’re working on to give you the edge over your competitors:.

Access to Generative Design within Fusion 360. Work better with teams, across the desk and across the ocean. Mature existing tools and experiences As you go through this roadmap update, you’ll notice themes from these 3 areas spread throughout many of the projects mentioned below, and just how much they go hand-in-hand with each other. Generative Design in Fusion 360 You might have heard us talking about this and thought to yourself “meh, my products don’t look like that so this technology isn’t for me”. We totally get that not everything is going to look like melted cheese in the future, but there is genuine value that the generative design technology brings to the table today, especially when you can manufacture your results with real-world manufacturing processes, all happening in a single end-to-end workflow.

Generative design s imultaneously generates multiple CAD-ready solutions based on real-world manufacturing constraints and product performance requirements. ” What does this mean in practice? It means you can take something seemingly conventional, give it constraints in areas that cannot be changed, put it through the Generative Design process, explore iterations, decide on a result that best suits your needs, edit your result to be manufacturable, and turn it into something masterfully extraordinary. If you’re as excited as us about the Generative Design opens up for designers and engineers, then check out what we’re working on to make this even better. Generative design is now in Fusion 360 UPDATE: ✅Now available since The natural thing to do, really. Way back in the Spring, we introduced generative design within the Fusion 360 as an access point (for paying Fusion Ultimate subscribers) in the. We continued to improve the experience and delivered enhancements in the and updates.

Now, we are bringing the Generative Design technology officially into Fusion 360 as a workspace. No more punching out to a separate browser. No more going back and forth.

Generate and explore design options all within a single instance of Fusion 360. And yes, being a workspace in Fusion 360, Generative Design will be available on macOS and Microsoft Windows. Define and set up your Generative Design, all within the Fusion 360 Generative Design workspace. Explore the result that’s right for the job Based on your constraints and requirements, the Generative Design technology will do its magic and give you a wide sweep of options to explore. Filter outcomes based on Study type, Manufacturing methods, as well as volume, mass, and maximum displacement ranges. View the outcomes in thumbnails, as a list, or in a scatterplot.

Once you’ve decided on an iteration, download the result in exchange for some cloud credits and it’s yours to keep. What makes this integration so special is that the result you get is real editable CAD geometry you can use for manufacturability. Edit it, refine it, simulate it, refine it again, send it, and make it.

Now that is real innovation. Edit your results with T-Splines tools With Generative Design being its own workspace in Fusion 360, you’ll be able to edit your saved results in the Sculpt environment. This is the true secret sauce because when this functionality drops, your results will open natively in Fusion 360 and you’ll have the ability to edit a T-Spline body to modify your design. We’re adding more T-Spline tools like Smooth, Erase and Fill, and better selection methods to further your experience in editing your results.

Editing a generative output using T-Spline tools such as Smooth, Erase and Fill, as well as better ways to select structs. Work Better Among Teams Back in February, we talked about how we are working on tools that will speed up your workflows by putting your data at the center of your design-to-make process. Part of what will enable these improved experiences are Fusion Team, Desktop Connector, and AnyCAD. We put our heads down and are working hard to merge these pieces together in the right place, and here’s where we are at. When you download Fusion 360 and sign-in for the first time, we provide you with a personal “hub”.

This is a space where all of your projects are organized and keeps everything you create separated from the next Fusion 360 user. Everyone has their own hub, but when you’re working in a team, personal hubs can be quickly become cumbersome, confusing and complicated to manage.

This is due to its lack of data management tools; that’s where Fusion Team comes in. Fusion Team: easy access, greater control 🚀Coming Soon Fusion Team is the cloud collaboration platform powering the Fusion 360 data management capabilities. The goal is to make Fusion Team available to everyone, with easy tools to migrate your data from personal to Fusion Team. It’s a no-brainer for everyone to jump on Fusion Team because it allows for company ownership of data vs. Individual and has additional security like Roles and Project types, as well as robust admin tools. You’ll be able to collaborate with a machinist that is next door or in on the other side of the world with the right amount of control, security, and communication. Since many of you do not have Fusion Team, we’ve been working on providing you a transition experience that is smooth and painless, but to do it right, it’s taking some time, and this is something we don’t want to rush.

Stay tuned for an announcement of this roll out in the next couple of months on the Fusion Blog. Desktop Connector 🚀 Coming Soon Fusion Team also supports two additional bits of cool tech, the first one being Desktop Connector. This experience allows you to install a utility that shows your Fusion Teams and Projects directly into Windows Explorer / Mac Finder, making it very easy to use Fusion Team with any application using traditional OS open/save workflows. Where this functionality really shines is with AnyCAD. AnyCAD 🚀 Coming Soon This is where the fun begins. Imagine that you are working with Fusion 360 for machining, while your design engineer is still using something like Inventor, SolidWorks or Siemens NX. With Fusion Team + Desktop Connector + AnyCAD, they can save their data directly, and you can open it right in Fusion 360, without format translation and maintaining associativity!

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So even if the design changes after you have set up your manufacturing strategy, it is now a one-click update with AnyCAD to consume those changes and recalculate tool-paths. Derive Designs ✅ Available since This is very powerful. Derive workflows will allow you to derive parts of an assembly for specific purposes, with better control and greater flexibility. What’s powerful about this whole thing is that you can edit the derived parts and maintain associativity to its original source (across projects) at the same time.

Today, if you wanted to reuse a part from one project and put it in a design that exists in a different project, you’d have to save that component out as a separate file, where associativity is no longer maintained with the source component. If you share a part to your machinist and your machinist needs to design soft jaws and fixtures for it, changes you make to the part will make your machinist’s job even more difficult. Derive enables you to “derive” that part and share it with your machinist, where they can build soft jaws and fixtures around it in their own project, while still maintaining associativity with your original part in your project. Once you make a change to the part, your machinist can update their derived part and take those changes, without needing to manually update all of their work. You will still control the source, while your machinist can control the derived part and additional edits made to it. There is so much more to this we want to talk about, and we’ll do it in a separate deeper dive post coming soon. Maturing Our Existing Features We’re excited about getting our hottest technologies ready for you to use, but since the very beginning of Fusion 360, we’ve built our culture around listening to you, understanding your challenges, and making sure that we are addressing your needs.

That’s why we’ve also been laser-focused on maturing our existing toolsets with deeper functionality and greater ease-of-use (to help your everyday productivity). Here’s an update on what we’ve delivered since the last roadmap update and what we’re currently working on.

Improve App Usability Custom Keyboard Shortcuts Phase 1 ✅ Available since A highly requested functionality has become reality this past summer. Our next step is to give you an easy way to see all of your keyboard shortcuts in a single view, as well as shortcut keys for visual styles, and Viewcube views.In development sneak peek. Changing visual styles with hotkeystesting currently in progress. Yup, soon you’ll no longer need an add-in for this. Tabbed Toolbar UI Preview ✅ Available since We have received lots of valuable feedback (such as real-estate concerns, API support, colors, the order of tools, etc), and are taking them all into consideration.

We are now working to improve the toolbar and are addressing these exact concerns, along with better ways of showing what mode you are in, without getting in your way of designing. There is great progress being made, and as soon as we have something to share, we’ll reach out to you and tell you all about it on the blog and forums.

File Open 🍳 In Progress We agree – opening a design in Fusion 360 hasn’t been the most discoverable. That’s why we’re working a better path to open designs, so you don’t need to upload it first if you still want to see what it is. We’re testing the implementation right now, so stay tuned to the blog on when this is dropping. UI platform update 🍳 In Progress Along with all the improvements we’re making to the toolbar, we also have to think about how the UI can scale as more functionality becomes available.

That’s why we’re also working on updating the platform. This means better stability, better performance, as well as a slew of fixes that come with the newer version. Mature the Modeling Toolset Hole and Thread Tool ✅ Available since This long-requested functionality ( ) was completed in the April update. Since then, we’ve ironed out a few kinks and are improving the experience.

Surface per-edge control and weights ✅ Available since Control a surface edge’s curvature continuity by making parts of the edge sharp and parts of it smooth with G0 to G2. Fillet Enhancements ✅ Available since Ever been confused why we have two different fillet commands? Ever been upset that you can choose faces and features as the inputs in Rule Fillet, but not in regular Fillet? Rest assured, we’re completing a project to take care of both of those and make fillets more robust than ever.

Tapered/NPT Threads 🍳 In Progress Now that we improved the Hole command to include threads, we’re excited to be adding tapered threads to the command soon as well. The 191 comments on this are indicative of the community’s desire for NPT threads, and we cannot wait to finally mark that one as implemented.

We’re currently testing the workflow and working on the Drawings functionality before releasing it, and we’ll keep you posted when this is dropping. Sheet Metal Bend from Sketch 🍳 In Progress Since releasing our sheet metal functionality last year, we’ve heard plenty of great feedback. One of the biggest has been that we need to offer a way to work with legacy sheet metal parts from other design software. With this project, you’ll now be able to import in flat patterns created in any software and create a new sheet metal component by bending to the correct orientation at every bend line. Focus on Quality On-going It’s not new and shiny, but it’s darn important. As an ongoing commitment with every update that goes out to you, we target a significant number of our resources towards solving annoying bugs, eliminating workflows that result in crashes, and adding quick usability enhancements to our tools.

Strengthen the Sketch Experience Single line engraving fonts ✅ Available since We’ve gotten lots of feedback around this and are happy to have made this available. Your continued feedback is well received and we would like to hear more about your ideas about this feature. Control Vertices in Curves ✅ Available since This is a welcomed feature that was introduced this summer with much excitement in the design community.

Jake Fowler wrote a of the functionality, as well as some of the thinking that went into how we implemented the tool – it’s definitely worth a read if you haven’t done so already. Projection Enhancements ✅ Available since In from July, Jeff Strater alluded to some changes we’ve been discussing with the Project command. Given the feedback from that post, we’re currently adding a number of enhancements to the command. First, when you hit cancel while the command is active, it will actually delete all the projected entities rather than doing the same thing as the OK button. Next, we’re going to give you an option to project entities without linking them to the original geometry if you wish.

And finally, we’re working on the ability to let you relink yellow projections as requested in the. This project (pun intended) will take some time, but will eventually drastically help resolve those dreaded yellow sketches in your timeline. We recently shared our thinking for with you, so check it out and let us know if we’re on the right track. Sketch Engine Improvements On-going In conjunction with the modeling improvements we make, we also continue to devote a significant chunk of our efforts at making our sketch engine more stable, more predictable, and more resilient.

Provide Powerful Simulation Tools Let’s be real – the simulation tools inside Fusion 360 are best-in-class and are available to all subscribers. Testing your designs before you make them saves you time, money, and prevents potential future stress and broken keyboards. 2D Probe Result Plotting ✅ Available since Include point probe data in your result plots, as well as associated tables in your reports for a more comprehensive view of what is going on in the study.

Promote Shape Optimized Model ✅ Available since This really showed the value of having an end-to-end workflow solution. Promote you Shape Optimization results back into a Simulation Model where you can make design changes and run further studies to validate these changes without impacting your original design. Moldflow and CFD Access ✅ Available since We bridged more workflows here by connecting data pipelines between Fusion 360, Autodesk CFD and Autodesk Moldflow. Season CFD and Moldflow users were able to send their simplified designs straight to their respective tools without to need to do the import/export dance. Performance Improvements ✅ Available since With the repair functionality added to the validate tool, users now have additional tools to heal up poorly translated models.

More Defined Roadmap For Mac Free

Speed improvements to the Remove command in the Simplify workspace will allow users working with large models to have a much better experience when preparing these designs for simulation. Better 2D Drawings 2D Drawings functionality has come a long way, and we are continuing to build it out based on its specific roadmap laid out by Timera Hart in the. We’re listening to you and working with you closely, making sure that your priorities are our priorities. Object Snaps Phase 1 ✅ Available since This enabled you to override where you want your dimension lines to snap to by giving you more options such as Endpoint, Midpoint, Tangent, Intersection, Quadrant, Center, and Point.

Insert Image ✅ Available since Sometimes you’ll want to have a reference image in your 2D drawing. This functionality lets you do just that. Centermark/Centerline Grip Enhancements ✅ Available since We made it easier to manipulate center mark or centerline leaders to a custom length by pressing and holding SHIFT. Centermark Pattern command is also smarter and will see your patterns and apply a centermark to all of them automatically once you’ve selected one of the circles. Non-orthogonal Tracking for Section Views ✅ Available since Rely on where you snap and track along a non-ortho path to get your section view to look just right. Title-block Editing ✅ Available since Draw the title block that meets your specific needs, either based on our default template, from scratch, or import an existing DWG title-block.

Parts List Enhancements In Progress With the ability to automatically populate balloons and allowing you to edit your parts lists, we’re working on improving parts list column management. This will give you options to show/hide/reorder columns, as well as some additional columns to show if needed. We’re also working on p arts list hierarchy control, which a llows you to choose between creating a top-level parts list (as we do today) or all-level parts list. This includes improvements to balloon renumbering. In addition, we’re connecting the linkage between Parts list and BOM so that you can change BOM properties from the Parts list. Enhance CAM Workflows The tools within the CAM workspace run on the same HSM kernel found in Inventor HSM and HSMWorks.

The advantage is a shared code base where you can seamlessly go from your CAD to CAM without leaving the application. This means faster turnarounds, faster tweaks, more jobs, and more business. Probe with Tool Orientation ✅Available since Use this to override the tool orientation specifically for probing, so you don’t have to go back to the setup dialog to select which origin points you want to use for your probe. Machine Definitions Preview ✅ Available since Released as a preview you can turn on and try, machine configurations contain information around the axes limits, maximum spindle speed, feed rate limits, and axis configurations that talks directly to post processors. Both Ways Adaptive Clearing ✅ Available since The much anticipated both-ways adaptive clearing enabled machinists to create 2D and 3D roughing tool-paths that dynamically choose between climb and conventional to decrease linking motion. Tool Library Enhancements ✅ Available since We added the ability for you to show, hide, and move columns in your tool library, as well as direct copy & paste data in and out of Excel sheets. Drilling Enhancements ✅ Available since Improving on existing functionality, the drilling strategies now have ease-of-use options such as a hole counter, select same diameter, containment boundary filter, as well as a reverse order option.

Turning Enhancements ✅ Available since We continue to build upon our Turning strategies by providing:. Sandvik PrimeTurning insert support. Custom turning insert/holder options out of beta.

“Pecking” feature in Turning Profile and Turning Groove Manufacture Workspace Preview ✅ Available since We’re upgrading the CAM workspace and calling it “Manufacture”, which will not only include the same subtractive strategies you’ve come to rely on, but will also include advanced additive strategies you can select and setup for additive metal manufacturing. This way, everything will be under one roof. Select the appropriate metals printer for the job, reorient and position the part, give it the necessary support it needs, and send it off to the printer. Everything you need is in one cohesive environment. This first iteration will become available soon to try as a preview option you can turn on and off in your preferences. As mentioned in the beginning, we’re very excited to get these improvements and new functionality into your hands and hear about your success.

It’s what drives us to do what we do. Push the envelope. Break precedence. Help you design a better world. NOTE:. Roadmaps are plans, not promises.

We’re as excited as you to see new functionality make it into the products, but the development, releases, and timing of any features or functionality remains at our sole discretion. These roadmaps updates should not be used to make purchasing decisions.

At this morning’s keynote, Nat Friedman and James Montemagno introduced, the newest member of the Visual Studio family.Visual Studio for Mac is a developer environment optimized for building mobile and cloud apps with Xamarin and.NET. It is a one-stop shop for.NET development on the Mac, including Android, iOS, and.NET Core technologies. Sporting a native user interface, Visual Studio for Mac integrates all of the tools you need to create, debug, test, and publish mobile and server applications without compromise, including state of the art APIs and UI designers for Android and iOS. Both C# and F# are supported out of the box and our project templates provide developers with a skeleton that embodies the best practices to share code across mobile front ends and your backend.

Our new Connected Application template gives you both your Android and iOS front ends, as well as its complementary.NET Core-powered backend. Once you’re up and running, you’ll find the same Roslyn-powered compiler, IntelliSense code completion, and refactoring experience you would expect from a Visual Studio IDE.

And, since Visual Studio for Mac uses the same MSBuild solution and project format as Visual Studio, developers working on Mac and Windows can share projects across Mac and Windows transparently. With multi-process debugging, you can use Visual Studio for Mac to debug both your front end application as well as your backend simultaneously. Mobile-First Visual Studio for Mac provides an amazing experience for creating mobile apps, from integrated designers to the code editing experience to the packaging and publishing tools. It is complemented by:. The full power of the beloved-by-millions C# 7 programming language. Complete.NET APIs for Android, iOS, tvOS, watchOS, and macOS. The Xamarin.Forms API abstraction to maximize code sharing.

Access to thousands of.NET libraries on to accelerate your mobile development. Highly optimized native code backed by the LLVM optimizing compiler But we know apps don’t stop at the client, which is why I am so excited about what Visual Studio for Mac brings to backend development, as well. Check out the for a complete list of what’s included in this product. Cloud-First It is rare these days for mobile applications to run in isolation; most of them have a backend that does the heavy lifting and connects users. You can use.NET Core to build your own backend services and deploy these to your Windows or Linux servers on Visual Studio for Mac, while the project templates will get you up and running with an end-to-end configuration. Additionally developers can easily integrate Azure mobile services into their application for things like push notifications, data storage, and user accounts and authentication with Azure App Services.

This is available in the new “Connected Services” project node. Whether you are rolling out a custom backend with ASP.NET Core, or consuming pre-packaged Azure services, Visual Studio for Mac will be there for you. Check out the for a complete list of what’s included in this product. What’s Next Today we released the first preview of Visual Studio for Mac, a member of the Visual Studio family, and the story is just beginning. In the coming months we will be working with the Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code teams to bring more features that you love to the Mac, from advanced Web editing capabilities to support for more programming languages via the Server Language Protocol.

More Defined Roadmap For Mac

Visit the page and take it for a spin. We look forward to hearing your feedback! Miguel de Icaza, Distinguished Engineer, Mobile Developer Tools Miguel is a Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft, focused on the mobile platform and creating delightful developer tools.

With Nat Friedman, he co-founded both Xamarin in 2011 and Ximian in 1999. Before that, Miguel co-founded the GNOME project in 1997 and has directed the Mono project since its creation in 2001, including multiple Mono releases at Novell. Miguel has received the Free Software Foundation 1999 Free Software Award, the MIT Technology Review Innovator of the Year Award in 1999, and was named one of Time Magazine’s 100 innovators for the new century in September 2000. This is a beautiful app.

A bug exists in NuGet though, if you have any sources that are using encrypted credentials it will cause the NuGet Package Source preference to not show any sources. You have to remove it manually via the command line (nuget sources remove -name “TheSource”). After you’ve done that, you’ll be able to see/add a source, but the GUI won’t allow ANY sources with credentials to be saved. I was able to get something in there by adding my source without credentials (As you can’t save a new source that has a user/pass for some reason in the GUI), then edit to add those credentials. Upon saving, it gives an error that it can’t write to /.nuget/config/NuGet.config. Adding cleartext credentials via terminal works though.

Xamarin Workbooks & Inspector installation failed with more than one exception (Attempt #Xamarin Workbooks & Inspector) Some installation errors are present. Exception type: System.AggregateException Message: Some installation errors are present. It is definitely the case that UWP is not supported at this time. Hey, Microsoft, can you please explain this? It’s difficult for me to consider making UWP apps if Microsoft seems to be downplaying them. Recent reports of UWP apps being used by only a tiny fraction of Windows 10 users makes this even less desirable.

(A quick survey of people close to me using Windows 10 confirms that few have even tried such apps — mot one uses a UWP app on a regular basis. Anecdotal1 of course, but Microsoft has said nothing at all about this that I’m aware of — leads me to believe it may be true.). I’m truly sorry if it appears that we’re downplaying UWP. That’s not our intent, though I totally see how it could appear that way when VS for Mac doesn’t build for UWP by default.

I’ve heard many developers say they think of Visual Studio and Windows development synonymously, so I can see how it might seem strange at first that a Visual Studio product doesn’t build for UWP. When you peel back the layers, though, I think it makes a lot of sense. I hear from more and more developers who want to target Windows and iOS and Android. They say we live in a “multi-platform” world where it’s not viable to target only a single operating system. For those of us at Microsoft building developer tools, we want to empower developers to fulfill the needs of their business.

Today, that means enabling development for all the major platforms. When I talk to developers building for UWP, they almost universally prefer to develop on Windows.

To enable iOS development on Windows was a multi-year effort we undertook because Windows developers wanted to stay in Visual Studio on Windows, but their businesses required them to build for iOS. Thus, we’re working hard to create the best possible UWP development experience in the environment Windows developers like best: Windows. UWP was a last desperate attempt to fill the App Gap for Windows Mobile. I did not work. Windows Mobile is left for dead, the current “its for business users only” state is just intermediate.

MSFT keeps telling otherwise, but its written on the wall: UWP is left behind by.Net Core, by VS2017, same applies to.Net Native on which UPW is partially based. Intel has abandoned Broxton, so there will be no surface phone. If you develop for Desktop only, as Windows Mobile is out of scope, why bother with UWP? The ship is sinking, time to abandon it. MSFT just needs some time to finally admit it. If I do a Visual Studio Update, i see “Xamarin Profile 1.0.1” is available. But if i press “Install Update” I get an error telling “Failed to start update installer”.

I don’t wan to be mean, but VS for Mac looks ugly. Maybe it is time for your to make WPF cross-platform and reuse the wonderful VS GUI? Of course, Mac is ugly by itself and usability is not something that Mac users want, so I am sure no-one will notice the current ugliness. Certainly not me! I am not planing on using a Mac like. 😀 This seriously looks similar to the Xamarin Studio though. Is it the same IDE?:^) Is this freeware?

Mac users have a lot money for waste. Feel free to ever-charge them. I’m trying to load a sizable.NET Core project with multiple types (several assembly libraries, and several apps that use those assembly’s for different things).

More Defined Roadmap For Mac Pro

This works great in Visual Studio 2015 (Community Edition) + Resharper using the.sln files, or in VS Code using the global.json on Windows or OSX 10.11. Visual Studio for Mac gives the following error for each sub-project when I load the.sln file: Error while trying to load project: “/my/project/path/library1.xproj” Unknown solution item type. Error while trying to load project: “/my/project/path/library2.xproj” Unknown solution item type. Error while trying to load project: “/my/project/path/library1.Tests.xproj” Unknown solution item type. Error while trying to load project: “/my/project/path/app1.xproj” Unknown solution item type. Error while trying to load project: “/my/project/path/app2.xproj” Unknown solution item type. Any ideas on how to this make this work?

I’m VERY excited about VS for Mac Something I thought I’d never see! I’ve been working with a team on a mobile app for iOS and Android using Xamarin Studio for Mac, and downloaded VS for Mac to try it out, but ran into some serious problems. I cannot say for certain that these problems were caused by VS for Mac, but the evidence points that way, so I wanted to report my experience here: 1) App working fine in XS. 2) Downloaded VS for Mac, app worked fine running there.

3) Next day when I launched VS for Mac, it complained about not having Mono, and so I clicked the option to install it. This had me concerned, but I thought perhaps VS had some specific requirements it needed for an update (since it hadn’t complained and worked fine the day before). 4) Now the app will not run in either VS or XS. It simply hangs on launch, never making it to the ‘main page’. 5) This same behavior happened on a second machine as well.

6) On a 3rd machine with XS only, where VS was never installed, things continued to work just fine. 7) Tried lots of troubleshooting steps with reinstalling Mono, uninstalling VS for Mac, and more Ultimately, the only thing that got me up and running again was going through a FULL uninstall of VS and XS , then a reinstall of XS, and I think I’ll be holding off on re-installing VS for Mac until another update comes out.

Looking forward to a smoother experience in the future Hope this is somewhat helpful for someone running into similar issues, or perhaps for the VS Mac team. Keep up the great work! There is no point in making a macOS-specific IDE for macOS. Apple already has one, called Xcode, and there is no point in competing with a native (direct from the developer) developer tools which is, overall, even cheaper than Visual Studio Community (when you factor in the “Exceptions” VSC carries). Also, anyone not Apple would be consistently chasing Xcode (behind the 8 ball).

This is similar to the issues 3rd party developer tool vendors had on Windows. Most of the native Windows Developer Tool vendors are gone.

The ones left are most for Non-Microsoft Development Languages, or (for the most part) fairly vestigial or Legacy (Visual dBase, Delphi/CBuilder, etc.). I’m speaking of the commercial tool vendors. He who owns the platform always has a massive innate advantage when it comes to developer tools. I am trying to run the core web app. But I explicitly installed.Net Core 1.1 and want to use it.

When I run it after restoring the packages. It says ” he specified framework ‘Microsoft.NETCore.App’, version ‘1.0.1’ was not found.

– Check application dependencies and target a framework version installed at: /usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App – The following versions are installed: 1.1.0 – Alternatively, install the framework version ‘1.0.1’. WARNING: The target process exited without raising a CoreCLR started event.

Ensure that the target process is configured to use Microsoft.NETCore.App 1.0.0 or newer. This may be expected if the target process did not run.NET code. The program ‘/Users/krishn/Projects//xxx.dll’ has exited with code 131 (0x00000083). ” I then went to Preferences of VS.NET and tried to add a new.NET Runtime, but then when I navigate to the folder core 1.1, the IDE gives an error in a dialog that says ” Mono runtime not found. Please provide a valid directory prefix where mono is installed (for example, /usr).” I don’t know why it is saying Mono. Also I don’t see any projects.json or any sort of framework dependencies configuration file in the created WebApp scaffolding.

Any help on what I am missing? I am basically from Windows background, but now trying things on MAC. While in the installer, it asked me to select the components I like to install, I only checked Xamarin.Mac, and even tried installing only Xamarin Profiler. When I click continue, I see the “Please configure the installation” message and there is “Private copy of Android SDK installed by Xamarin.Android”. I tried looking for it in the provided location but there’s no folder matching the name.

If I click continue, it says it will install 3 components, these are Android SDK, Xamarin.Mac and Visual Studio for Mac Preview. As mentioned, I unchecked Android component, so why am I seeing this component being installed? I can’t even continue with the installation process because it always fails in downloading the android thing. Does VS for Mac share the same components as Xamarin Studio? I have an up-to-date Xamarin studio installed, and it appears VS 4 Mac wants to install the same components. In addition, it appears VS 4 Mac wants to install Android SDK. I already have android studio and the sdk installed.

A preview version installing expensive duplicate clutter or, worse, overwriting stable release software components, is not a potential step I’m willing to commit to blindly. Lastly, what is the ETA on stable/production release?

2017-01-13 02:46:19.898 Info Installation ID: 0a7ffa89-ce68-4da1-9ad2-01e018196f5f 2017-01-13 02:46:19.907 Info Operating system: Mac OS X v10.12.2 (10.12.2; Mac OS X 10.12.2 (10.12.2 build version: 16C67)), 64-bit 2017-01-13 02:46:19.915 Info Installer product: Visual Studio for Mac Preview 2017-01-13 02:46:19.921 Info Installer version: (HEAD detached at b49471a) (b49471af6b0aeb2ea6f09740ae80b613dba3f0bd on 19:10:50) 2017-01-13 02:46:19.926 Info Status: in progress 2017-01-13 02:46:22.778 Debug Waiting for manifests to finish downloading. 2017-01-13 02:46:22.784 Debug Initial task executing (WaitingForActivation). Waiting for it to finish. 2017-01-13 02:47:38.345 Info Initial task completed successfully 2017-01-13 02:47:38.352 Info Status: aborted by user 2017-01-13 02:47:38.361 Info No network connectivity. Falling back to embedded manifest. Software might be older versions than currently published!

More Defined Roadmap For Machine Learning

2017-01-13 02:47:38.369 Debug Detection complete on the introduction page, determining the next step. 2017-01-13 02:47:38.378 Info Determining list of software items to install.

2017-01-13 02:47:38.386 Debug Processing update nodes from the manifest.