Project Mix Io Driver Update Help For Mac

Posted : admin On 24.02.2020
  1. Project Mix Io Driver Update Help For Mac Pro

I'm going to do my best to be civil. Excitedly, I rushed to download the latest Firewire series driver (1.7.1) which was posted yesterday on the m-audio website. I thought, as I always do, 'alas.This device may finally work as it is supposed to'. Amazingly, I have OSX 10.4.5 and this new driver matches the OS version. I almost always seem to be ahead by one version in the OS and I always convince myself that THAT is the problem.

At least I have one variable accounted for, in this case. Unplugged Pmix IO from the firewire port. Install new drivers. Plug in firewire cable, power on projectmix.

Project Mix Io Driver Update Help For Mac

Everything loads normally, same old clicking and popping when the driver loads.(which I have actually come to enjoy because if you DONT hear this, it means that the driver hasn't loaded properly and the device won't be recognized.) I then verified that it was indeed version 1.7.1 of the driver in the hardware control panel. Switch sync mode to digital. I am feeding the spdif input with the apogee mini-me, which you can set to send audio, or digital clock only (blackburst?). I send audio from a synth, routed through the mini me, into the PMix. I launch Pro Tools M-powered 7.1.learned a long time ago never to dare change the sync mode from within protools, so that part is already done.

I record a little bit of the aforementioned synth. Fine, it works. Shut pro tools. More popping and clicking, as usual. Relaunch pro tools. I get the dialog box saying 'You do not have an m-audio device connected to this computer,' or whatever the eff that it says.

Long story short. The only way to get pro tools to launch a second time, is to powercycle the ProjectMix IO. I did the same thing with another session, only had the mini-me outputting only digital black this time, acting as a master clock, basically.

Session opens fine, the first time. Once you close, and try to reopen pro tools, it tells you that you dont have an audio device connected.

Even shutting down and restarting the mac wont will get the same message upon startup, unless you powercycle the unit. Guys, enough is enough.

When can M-audio get their act together and release drivers that dont make me embarassed to use the product with clients around? I understand that many people consider m-audio as prosumer gear. I however, think your gear COULD be quite good, and quite professional.

The fact that I can use other software is a big plus, not to mention m-powered coupled with a smaller firewire audio device is a godsend for my mobile rig. Are we expected to change sync mode to internal each time we close PT? That would suck, since I'm feeding it sync from a better clock to begin with. I also don't have to powercycle a 002 everytime I shutdown a pro tools session.

It doesn't sputter anytime the driver loads. Sure I guess it isn't the end of the world.but I am quickly losing confidence in my equipment and when that happens, it has a real negative impact on workflow and producivity and CREATIVITY. Is anyone else able to duplicate this behavior? Open to all suggestions, except for one - Please dont tell me to repair my permissions, because I did, and IT DOESN'T FIX THIS.

Good luck to everyone, and I hope to hear from some others of you, hopefully with better results than my own. I hope I did not come off as hostile in this posting. I just really want to get this sorted out, and if digi/m-audio can tell me that this is a known issue or that they are working on it, I'm more than willing to wait, and hopefully I won't break the power switch in the meantime.Matt Fort Lauderdale, FL Powerbook 1.5ghz G4, osx 10.4.5, 1 gb ram Project Mix I/O v 1.7.1 drivers blah blah blah.

I just bought my projectmix yesterday. Wow, how disappointing. Pops, clicks. It crashes PTMP, I haven't gotten ANYTHING to work yet. I've read through here, I re-installed tiger, then went back up to 10.4.5 (i had 10.4.6) this was what tech support said at protools on friday afternoon, but I've come to realize that this is a projectmix problem. I can't even play back a song from iTunes without it popping and clicking, and CRASHING, I've never seen anything work so poorly on a mac.

I've got a G5 Dual 1.8 2gigs RAM, also I have the dreaded firewire 800 drive. What's the deal with that??!??! You can't use a FW800 drive? It works fine with final cut. If they can't get me going on monday I'll be returning this monday afternoon. Hey guys, Just got my Project Mix this morning. Was so excited, got it all set up.installed it exactly the way M-Audio says to.

Long story short.clicks, pops, CPU errors (which I never got before). I have been able to record, which was good.but didn't get to hear the audio clearly because the click/pop noise coming through my monitors.

Project Mix Io Driver Update Help For Mac Pro

I run a dual G5 and it's obviously not my system, it's the console. Please M-Audio fix this!!! I'M CALLING YOU MONDAY!!! HELP ME GET THIS WORKED OUT!


Hey guys, After I wrote last night I remembered how earlier when I was running a session from my hardrive directly from my Power Mac.everything was clicking, no popping, no HUI Comunication warning or CPU error. So when I woke up this morning I switched my cable on my La Cie drive from a Firewire 800 to a USB 2.0. Total difference!!!

There was a little bit of popping and clicking that I ran into when I launched Pro Tools, but nothing past that, and also no drop outs in the song. I was so excited. Also, the signal and clip lights weren't lighting up, basically everything was working the way it was suppose to. Only one thing was different, when I ran the session down, my marker that follows the song wasn't following it.the song was playing perfectly but the marker just stayed in the same spot unless I moved it.

Is this a button I pushed when I was trying to get the Project Mix to work??? Any help would be greatly appreciated.hope this helps as well.

Project mix io driver update help for mac pro

I am using a PCMCIA firewire 400 card to run my MAxtor external HD, so that it doesn't compete with the Firewire bus on my Powerbook g4. I have the PMix I/O plugged directly into the FW400 port on the computer. If you want to run an external firewire drive (on a PowerBook), I think the PCMCIA card is the way to go.I dont get any drop outs. Andthat wasn't what my original post was about. Can ANYONE here recreate this: set control panel to external spdif sync, launch pro tools, work, save, close pro tools.and then immediately relaunch and have your PMix be recognized by pro tools, still slaving to external digital sync? M-Audio tech suppt. Told me to reinstall the driver and repair permissions, GRRRRRR!!!!!!!

I did that, it ISNT THE PROBLEM. It has something to do with those nebulous cracks and pops that happen when Pro Tools is closing, I am sure of it. Powercycling is just shutting the Project Mix off and on.right??? You can load Pro Tools, you'll be fine. Just like I said in a post above.make sure it run it from the drive on your iMac or whatever computer you use.which won't be fast enough, an external drive from a USB 2.0. You'll be fine.might have some clicks and pops when you launch but your sessions will be cool. Make sure you read over the PDF manual that came with it to be sure you know what you're doing with the input output stuff, it can get confusing.

Hope this helps.

Mac Pro OS 10.5.5 does not see the midi interface of Projectmix I/O. Audio is fine, and operates properly.

Driver and firmware are correct versions for 10.5.5. I also have Windows Boot Camp installation on the same computer, and the midi interface shows up fine in that OS. The control surface operates as expected on Windows. On the Mac side, though the driver does show up in the Mac driver folder, Pro Tools 8 M-powered cannot see it, nor can the Projectmix The device does appear on the audio side of the audio/midi set up utility, but not on the midi side. I've done clean uninstalls, and have even removed all but Pro Tools drivers. Nothing's worked yet.

So, what's next? Here's what I did: Step one: Uninstall every thing. All PM drivers, and all other M-Audio Drivers (I have some midisports too). Step two (this is the culprit!): UNINSTALL PRO TOOLS! Step three: Reinstall Projectmix driver. Restart (PM driver now shows up in the midi set up screen! ) Step four: Reinstall other M-Audio midi drivers.

Step five: Reinstall PT, and restart. (I originally had everything installed, but the PM I had was defective. In attempts to get it to work, I had uninstalled its driver, and reinstalled it.

Apparently, if you install the driver with Pro Tools already on the system, the driver never installs correctly. The unit was defective anyway, so I never noticed this problem until I got the new unit. Everything works as expected now!