Gamekyo : Download Utorrent For Mac

Posted : admin On 05.02.2020

Preferences Directories you have settings for downloading and downloaded files. You apparently have your downloads folder selected for that. Click on that selection bar and browse around to where you want them to go. I actually don't have any directory selected for that. If I select a directory, won't it save ALL new torrents there, not just the ones I load automatically? That's not the behavior I'm looking for. I'd like to be able to choose where a download goes if I download the torrent manually, but have auto-add download to a specified directory that isn't /Downloads.

I suppose uTorrent for Mac can't do that. Try the 1.91.beta - it does labels and will/ can shovel things to different folders - depending on how you set up the labels feature. Info is here;.WARNING. it will create havoc with your existing downloaded stuff filing if you just jump into it (i.e. Default moves to iTunes folders and other mystery stuff.

If you now use an external drive as your end-of-the-line storage for all your downloads, it will be easier to do the change. Copy a few of your downloads (files and matching torrents) to your main drive.

Practice a bit on managing labels before you expose your 'life's work' to the new version. Be prepared to do location verifications and forced rechecks before you take your foodstuff back on line.

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